Sunday, February 5, 2012

What does Ah Kam look like?

What does Ah Kam look like?

Ah Kam is a short and fairly stout woman. She has thick naturally wavy silver white hair and smiling eyes. She always wears a big smile on her face and that is how I picture her all the time.

Uncle Jimmy was very ill

When Ah Kam was young, my uncle Jimmy fell seriously ill. He could not work and she had to spend her time working extra hard to make ends meet. The children were all very young, still in primary school. Alhamdulillah my mom and few close relatives managed to help ease her burden a bit.

Learning about sharing

My mother showed true spirit of sharing. She herself did not have much money but our house was always full of food all year round. My father was stingy with other things but he was generous with food. We also had a good housekeeper and cook plus 2 childminders., for me and my brother.

Sharing is caring

I would watch mom pack cans of food and other vegetables into some plastic bags. She would also pack her used clothes to be distributed to all of Ah Kam's needy relatives in the villages. People were waiting in line for my mother's used clothes. She used to sew a lot and many of her clothes were beautifully embroidered. She enjoyed sewing so she kept on giving clothes away to make way for new ones. Alhamdulillah.

Life in the new villages

Many people were very poor in the new villages. With so many mouths to feed it was not easy for some of them. People would consider our family well off compared to them. We were only just an average family but we lived well. Alhamdulillah. That was lots of blessings from Allah SWT.

Honest lady

Besides sharing food and clothing, mom would also loan money to her. Nothing much, but just enough for her to roll. Ah Kam was an honest lady. It took her years to repay all the loans extended to her by family , friends and the sundry shop. She could hold her head up high as she fulfilled her obligations. I am proud of her.

Hair turned silvery white overnight

One day, as a child, I noticed Ah Kam's hair had turned silvery grey. My mother said her hair turned white because of the great stress she had been bearing all those years. It left a great impact on me. I could see that human suffering could change a person's life so much.

Family holidays in Port Dickson

I loved my cousins and we used to meet whenever we had our school holidays in Port Dickson. Uncle Jimmy had a sister who also helped to care for the family. Poor Uncle Jimmy was so ill that he could not work for years. During his long stay in the hospital, he somehow learnt how to knit. I remember he knitted a bright chilly red woollen cardigan with beautiful cable stitch for me. I was a shy girl and red was too overpowering for me. I did not wear it.

Red is too much for me

Now when I think about it, it showed my lack of affinity with red. Till today, I feel red generally just a bit too much. Its beautiful but I only admire it from afar. I rather prefer burgundy or dark pink. However I appreciated his kindness and he remained one of my favourite uncles.

Happy Memories

The large bungalow facing the beach near Si Rusa Inn was a happy experience for us. It belonged to uncle Jimmy's family. We spent many happy holidays there. Facing the sea and beach which was clean and unpolluted during our childhood.

My mom would bring butter cookies, cake and other home made goodies on these trips. The adults would cook there and also teach each other special dishes. I remembered the men went out to catch crabs in the middle of the night.

Great Cooking Adventures

Several of the ladies who joined us regularly were excellent cooks. They cooked wonderful meals and learnt from one another. My mother learnt and years later, when I grew older, taught me Emperor's Chicken, a stuffed chicken baked in foil. It was filled with lots of mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, innards and seasoned with soya sauce and other condiments. Everyone enjoyed that whenever we served it.

Being Poor does not stop us from Helping Others

My mom used to repeat Ah Kam's favourite phrase. "I may be poor, but I am able to help others by contributing my time and my energy. Others can provide cash whereas I can provide the energy and effort." It had rubbed off on us since a young age. Mom and Ah Kam motivated each other to do good and to help those in need.

Inheriting mom's clothes

When mom passed away aunt asked me to give her some of mom's clothes. She wanted to wear them to feel close to mom. I promised her. One day I went there with possible 30 pieces or more of mom' s clothes. I had to give almost all away as the memories were too heavy to bear at that time.

Mom loved to dress well and she also could sew and embroider beautifully. I have kept some for another sister who wanted a momento.

Looking like mom

Last week when we went to visit Ah Kam, she was wearing mom's blouse, a white top with red and black flowers. It fitted her perfectly. My brother remarked quietly that she reminded him so much of mom when he saw her wearing that. Sad memories.

Hoping for a miracle

I am proud that my uncle and aunt successfully raised good children and they in turned raised good children of their own. I only feel sad they did not receive the knowledge of Islam. I did try to share ineffectively many years ago but perhaps I did not handle it well. They did not get any benefit from my efforts. I am having the faint hope that my aunt may miraculously discover the beauty of Islam. Still trying. Ameen.

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