Sunday, February 5, 2012

Long Trip to Kajang

Stopping for a Quick Lunch

Alhamdulillah! We had just enough time to stop by the roadside near her house for a quick meal. There is a stall near the flats that is very popular and food is very fresh and hot. I figured I'd better grab a quick bite, just in case. I could not enjoy my bihun soup, tahu sumbat (fried tofu stuffed with cucumber and bean sprouts, served with sweet chilli sauce. I could not resist the hot crispy prawn fritters but could not finish that either. I lost my appetite. I was getting a bit worried. Just tawakkal (do what we can and leave the rest to God).

Ah Kam Alive and Well! Alhamdulillah!

As we drove up, the maid happened to be outside. Alhamdulillah Ah Kam appeared quickly at the doorway. I was relieved. I was thankful I was not too late. It would have been a great shame and I would have to kick myself for waiting for the right time.

Of course we dared not mention that we were afraid something fatal had befallen her. No news for for long! Yet always apprehensive for her calls as I would feel bad thatI did not call often enough and did not visit. I really dread driving all the way there. Driving stresses me out as I have to also send my brother home after the long journey.

No Right or Perfect Time

There is no right time, its hard to get the perfect moment when the car would be in perfect condition, enough money to fill a full tank to get there, money, presents.... But I did want our visits to be special for her. She had so little to look forward to since my uncle Jimmy passed on a few months ago.

Lost Her Job as Wife and Carer

Uncle Jimmy died in his sleep, in his favourite chair in front of the television. I missed him. when I visited to inform my aunt that my mom had passed away, Ah Kum signalled to me not to let my uncle find out. He was very close to my mom and it would have upset him a lot.

Nothing to Do - Nothing to Look Forward To

After so many years of caring and supporting her family, her last job was taken from her. She lost her position as wife and carer when her husband passed on. Though he left her with some small inheritance, she could not utilise it as it has to be saved for a rainy day. Perhaps it would used for the fateful trip to the hospital should she fall ill. Her children provides her the basic necessities and she has a roof over her head, a helper to clean the house and help a little in the kitchen.

Caring for the Family for many years

The house is cool and fairly roomy after everyone left the nest. May, the eldest daughter, husband and 2 daughters had stayed with her and the rest would return home daily for their dinner. Ah Kam had continued to cook for her large brood of 12 adults and children. Cooking non stop, without a real long break all those years until the children were in their teens. How long was that? Fifty years of her life?

Power of Mother's Love

She used to say she was so tired but the children still needed her to care for the grandchildren and to cook for them daily. It was an act of love to give so much of herself. I know many mothers do this too. The power of a mother's love.

Happy Chinese New Year, Ah Kam

I wished my aunt "Happy Chinese New Year". Asked her "How was your new year? ". Did the children come home for the reunion?". Her second daughter and her entire family are staying in Singapore since last year. The boys are in college there. She said "Yes, they all came home, the house was full of people." I asked " How long did they stay?".

She was quiet for a while. "They only stayed for a day. Everybody left after that". I was really surprised. I felt really bad because it was special moment for her, new year was always full of people, sharing, laughing, eating together. It was a long holiday but only one day? Maybe they had to go back to work and travelling back by car would take time.

Muslims have to make many excuses for people and try not judge. After all, we have no idea of other people's lives. We have to try to think good, though its quite challenging at times.

Wisdom in Old Age

I tried to change the subject, talked about the coolness of the house, how it did not face the setting sun. She said she was thankful she had a roof over her head. "To me, the most important things I need are a few roof tiles over my head and some food". She knows she does not need a lot of worldly things to survive, she is not bothered with such things anymore.

Sacrificing something we love for the sake of Allah

I was glad I could still muster up a decent ang pow, since I did not visit for so long. She took it quickly from me, as if afraid I would change my mind. She had been very polite every time I gave her money, telling me its not necessary, although she would pocket it all the same. (Smile)

Justified for Making Greater Effort

This time she showed for a moment that what I gave was perhaps needed. I felt justified. I want her to know Muslims are caring and I did emphasise that we do make effort to do certain good deeds because it is required of us as Muslims. Just trying to share beauty of Islam.

My brother commented that this year she did not give him or my son any angpow. He did not mention that he had not given her any ang pow either.

Perhaps she had used up all her pocket money to give a treat to her visiting children and grandchildren. Perhaps she really does need some support. She is not the kind of person who would want to burden her own children or anyone else. Some of them earned well enough but they may have other commitments. I did not ask. No point to ask if we cannot really help. It just adds insult to injury.

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