Friday, January 27, 2012

Fun in Primary School

Primary School

I was probably 8 or 9, pupil at Marian Convent, Hot Springs, Setapak. I liked my school and Ms Wong was my favourite teacher. I remember the first month in standard one we were instructed to draw all sorts of pictures following the alphabet. I still remembered the large teapot I drew in my large sketch book. Miss Wong liked it very much.

That made a good impression in the mind of a 7 year old child. We liked the subject where the teacher inspired us. They sure knew how to make lessons fun.

On my very first day of school I lost my colour pencils. I thought it only happened to me. Of course it was rather upsetting as I had to tell that to my mom when I got home. It showed I did not appreciate my new possessions . Actually I left it in my desk but the whole box simply disappeared!

Children keep losing things in standard one

When my son was in standard one, it also happened to him. Several times. I then realised children were very carefree and careless. They did not yet know how to take care of their own things. They learnt the hard way. Some also lost their water bottles and their pencil cases. They also did not learn how to respect the rights of others. Children are not too young to learn. They need gentle guidance, just do it in a way they understand.

Lost and Found

My son got so tired of losing his pencils that he resorted to retrieving lost pencils from the class wastepaper basket. I was rather surprised at his resourcefulness. He must have got tired of reporting to his teacher that he lost his pencils again.

Some kids must have been taking pencils , sharpeners and erasers from the desks of other kids and were dumping all the into the bin and around the classroom . Like some sort of game.

Fun in School

Each year we had events where pupils could take part in competitions and sports etc. I was a rather shy kid but somehow decided to take part in a fancy dress competition. Perhaps the idea of dressing up appealed to me.It had a sense of adventure!

My Pretty yet Practical Outfit

I probably could have been quite a practical child. I did not choose a character where I had to find ways to get the correct costume to achieve the look. It would have been difficult to acquire a zebra or hippo costume.

I decided I could wear one of my new frocks which was inspired by nursery rhymes. Mom probably would not have agreed to making a whole new costume just for a child's competition. And no way my father would have agreed to pay for it!

Nursery Rhyme Character?

I wore my new year outfit, a sweet lacy lilac lined flocked nylon frock dress with a removable waist peplum. I thought it was pretty cool and probably the judges were impressed too. It was fun and rather competitive, so much for excitement for the day. :)

I also carried a staff or crook, a lovely carved walking stick that belonged to my grandfather. I was so short and small that the walking stick looked like a long staff. I think a ribbon was tied to it to complete the look. I could have worn a little bonnet, but I cannot remember.

What kind of prize would motivate
a child to improve?

Can you guess which character I was portraying? I won a prize for the effort. In fact, I do not remember what I won. Must be some most forgettable kind of gift. Do not disregard children's opinions and their first impressions. If you want to instill pride and satisfaction in their efforts, give them a worthy reward. It does not have to be monetary. Make it memorable.

Make it Memorable

How about a treat to a picnic at the Bird Park, with a special lunch or a little party with a few friends. A pot luck with their cousins? Just do not be too mediocre all the time. Make an impact if you wish to create childhood memories. My mother did that with us through the years.

Trained to Worship in School

We always took part in concerts and sketches, all held at the school canteen. In fact, almost everything was done in the canteen.That was where the kindly missionary nuns tried to incorporate the daily christian prayers into our daily routine. All of us could memorise and repeat the prayers of Hail Mary and Our Father...We all thought that was what all kids and adults do.

Why be Missionary?

Why did they do that? Probably they had all taken a vow to serve the Creator through Jesus. They were trying to save the heathen souls and bring them to Heaven. They thought they were doing the ignorant heathens a big favour. They never asked whether we agreed with them or not. Neither did it occur to them to study our holy books to see whether they got it right or got it all wrong.

Never Read Quran Before but some people assume it is dangerous work of the devil. Fear of the Unknown.

Maybe they were also told not to open or read the Quran because they were told it was work of the devil. How can anyone know unless they checked it out for themselves? Who is ignorant and who is the one that needs saving? May Allah SWT guide and help all mankind.

Why did my parents not bother?

Maybe because we never learnt any special prayers at home. When we followed our families to the temple, we could hear Taoist nuns and the abott chanting. We had no idea what they were mumbling. So much for our religious education.

Sacrifices and Honour

My father went to St. John's Institution, a famous missionary school. He was a bright student but when 2nd world war came to our shores, his life had to change too. All the young men had to go to work to fend for their families. He had to sacrifice continuing higher education.

My uncles had the chances of travelling abroad to study but my father stayed home to care for the extended family. I felt a bit sad for my father as my mother said he used to get 1st place in his exams all the time. Life is full of tests and sacrifices. Nothing good we did would ever be lost. Allah SWT knows all that we think and do. Alhamdulillah.

Be Very Concerned about our Children's Education

Young minds are free and pure. What are we feeding our children's minds? Do we make sure we give them the best and correct input or do we think it is the job of the religious teacher at school? What is she teaching our little children? What is the syllabus all about? Is she even well qualified to handle such an important subject?

Brainwashing and Daily Indoctrination

Everything was so subtle in mission schools and they made it so natural. Did our parents complain about this? Did any Muslim parents voice out their concerns? Many non Muslim parents are not too religious as they may not believe in their general religions. They did not think it to be harmful.

Parents Protect Your Children!

I did not know the difference for we were too young. Parents who send their children to schools of other religions, are you aware of school policies? Who were there to guide and protect the innocent young minds?Do you know what is taught to your children daily, from Primary 1 to Primary 6? From Secondary 1 to Secondary 5?

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